Just like the Alpha Trions from other continuities, A3 seems to possess much knowledge and has great understanding of the universe and the Transformers´ within it. His constant companion is a small robot possessing many of the same traits of the super computer Vector Sigma. A3 has been an advisor to many Transformers, a role he is both comfortable in and suited for and even in his old age there is still more than meets the eye to this battle hardened Autobot. Not much else is known about him, but for three travellers, the information he has is of great importance and they long to find out more of what he can offer them.
Prelude: It was the year 2007 and the Games of Deception Botcon set came out. Now most people remember it for the infamous “Seekergate” as three of the six Classics Seeker figures were restricted to being hard-to-find convention exclusives for years, but it was also the year we got our very first official Alpha Trion figure ever. Only this one is less interested in creating Primes, he would rather impale them with his sword. Shattered Glass, what can you do? So let’s say go!
Many thanks to Fuchs Geronimo for loaning me his Alpha Trion for this review.
Robot Mode: Alpha Trion is a retool of Galaxy Force Vector Prime, which I reviewed roughly two years ago. So read that review first if you want to learn about this figure in general, because this review here will focus mostly on the differences.
Alpha Trion is the same figure as Vector Prime, just with a new head and new colors. Let’s start with the latter. Trion got his trademark colors of purple, rust red and white, and they look fabulous on this figure. The insane amount of detailing on the mold is nicely visible with the darker colors. Okay, the white parts swallow up some details, but overall you can see how much love went into the sculpting here.
The head is new and nicely portrays Alpha Trion as we know him from the G1 cartoon. Okay, the beard is a bit short, but the transformation would probably not have worked with a longer one, the head still has to fit inside the same compartment as Vector’s. The expression on Alpha’s face is definitely “grumpy old man”, I love it. Very nicely done.
Apart from these changes, it’s the same excellent figure it was before, though the electronics for the sound effects were removed to save on costs. Hence the included Cyberkey, a golden repaint of Vector’s intended to resemble the Key to Vector Sigma, does not really do anything. I still love the “ancient gear-powered knight” look, the articulation is very good for a figure from that time, and despite having half his space ship mode hanging off his back, Alpha Trion has no balance issues at all. Very nicely done. Thumbs up for the robot mode.
Alternate Mode: Of course Alpha Trion transforms into the same ancient-looking space jet that Vector Prime does. No changes here apart from the color. The purple really brings out the details of the figure in this mode very nicely and I still like this jet design, despite the rather big undercarriage it sports. Now Alpha Trion never did transform into a space jet in any official media, mind you, but I really don’t mind. So thumbs up for the jet mode as well.
Partner: Vector Prime’s Mini-Con Safeguard/Rook was also repainted in purple, red, and white and renamed Beta Maxx, presumably a nod to the old video cassette format? Otherwise it’s the same Mini-Con as before, able to transform into a flying gun kind of jet and link up with Alpha Trion’s arm in robot mode and the top of his space jet mode.
Remarks: Hard to believe these days, but before Botcon 2007, there was never an official figure of Alpha Trion, the creator of Optimus Prime and father of the Autobots. We do have quite a few of him these days, but this one here was the first (since they failed to get Universe Alpha Trion off the ground). This version of Alpha Trion was repurposed as Shattered Glass Alpha Trion in the Timeline comics in the Transformers Club Magazine. Here he was trapped in the Transtech universe until he came upon the group that would combine into Nexus Prime, which led him back to his home universe. Shortly afterwards, though, he was killed by Optimus Prime in a failed coup attempt.
The Botcon attendee-only figures are usually among the most sought-after and expensive figures on the secondary market and Botcon Alpha Trion is no exception. I’d say he is worth the price, though. It is, to me, the best Alpha Trion figure of them all, including the modern releases (up to the time I write this review, of course, I am not clairvoyant). I love the Vector Prime figure and this Alpha Trion repaint is just fabulous. So bottom line: yes, he is expensive, but if you can afford it, it’s worth it.
Rating: A-
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