There are legends on the Moon among human colonists of ghost vehicles - autos and aircraft without drivers - that sometimes charge in from the barren, lunar desert to destroy a settlement or a vital terraforming project. The vicious ghosts then disappear into the depths of the lunar night, leaving few survivors. Scattorbrain for his part relishes his status as a legend, and plays up the ghost angle at every opportunity, appearing for a few moments on the horizon near a human outpost, and then disappearing before he can be identified; occasionally attacking smaller outposts to wreak a little havoc and keep the rumors going.
Monocle could be considered one of the mysterious ghost vehicles, but for a different reason. He and his companions on the Exploration Team stayed on the Moon after most of the other Mini-Con robots left because they wanted solitude and quiet contemplation. They spend most of their time on the dark side of the Moon, where few humans go, and are occasionally spotted by explorers driving across the empty landscape, or meditating on the floor of an old crater. Their peace is disturbed only by the disruptive aggression of Scattorbrain and the other members of the Lunar Assault Team.
Please be aware that this is not a review, as I have never had these figures in hand. The pictures were provided by my good buddy Flo and I have reviewed other versions of these toys, which are linked below for reference.
Remarks: To bolster the Cybertron line-up, six Mini-Con teams from the Armada days were taken from storage, given new colors, and paired off more or less at random into nine different vs-Packs. At the very least, though, all nine packs sported individual profile texts for all these Mini-Cons (see above), making for a rather fascinating micro-continuity with the Cybertron series. In this pack we have Decepticon Scattorbrain, a repaint of Armada Iceberg (I reviewed another version of him in the form of Armada Armorhide), paired off with Autobot Monocle, a repaint of Armada Drill Bit from the Destruction Team. Interestingly enough the molds switched allegiances, as the Destruction Team was Decepticon-aligned, while Ransack's Adventure Team fought alongside the Autobots.
See Payload vs. Ascentor and Kobushi vs. Landslide for the rest of the Lunar Assault and Exploration Teams.
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Picture Copyright: Flo