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Series: Prime Robots in Disguise
Allegiance: Decepticon
Categories: Voyager
Year: 2012

Starscream hasn't survived this long simply by running away every time he might lose a fight. Every retreat is a calculated risk, designed to fulfil a greater purpose. It is often when his enemies believe they are winning that Starscream turns and finishes them off.

Robot Mode: The first Prime Starscream I got my hands on was First Edition Starscream, so naturally I’ll do a lot of comparing here. At first glance the two figures are nearly identical in robot mode, RID Starscream just being somewhat taller. The wing configurations on the back are a bit different, too, and First Edition Screamer has three missiles on each forearm, whereas his bigger successor has just one each. RID Screamer also has a bit more kibble on his arms and legs, but nothing that really bothers me. By and large, though, it’s clearly meant to be the same character, though some details are different thanks to a different transformation scheme.

Starscream is very nicely articulated and can be put into any number of cool poses, such as dancing, bowing, shooting and whatnot. Despite being so tall and having relatively small feet, he has no stability issues. He has nicely sculpted hands and a great face, too. And... well, that’s pretty much it, really. Almost a spitting image for the TV character, not that different-looking from the First Edition version, and no flaws worth mentioning. So by and large, a pretty cool robot mode.

Weapons: Remember that scene in Transformers Prime when Starscream tells Knockout that he does not want a null ray? Well, Starscream wasn't just being a difficult patient, no. He knew exactly why. For while the null ray might have been the signature weapon of G1 Starscream, the Prime version of it is a clunky, ugly piec e of plastic that unfolds into a clunky, ugly, glowing piece of plastic. Just about the only good thing I can say about this thing is that its absence doesn’t hurt Starscream in the least. He’s got those missiles he can put on his forearms instead and that’s enough. Let’s forget the “Glowing Null Ray” ever existed, okay?

Alternate Mode: Starscream once again transforms into a sleek fighter jet, naturally. And while the differences to the jet mode of the First Edition version aren’t that great here, either, they are a bit more pronounced than in robot mode. RID Starscream looks quite a bit sleeker, to sum it up. Whereas First Edition Screamer has a pretty large underbelly and a ‘bump’ behind the cockpit (his robot chest), RID Screamer’s different transformation streamlines his jet form considerably. Oh, it’s not perfect, as you can see his robot feet near the rear end of the jet, but all in all this jet mode is a tad better than the slightly smaller First Edition version.

Not much else to say here. The jet is armed with the missiles and – if you for some strange reason feel compelled to – you can plug his giant ugly weapon on top, completely ruining his aerodynamics. No real landing gear, sadly, just some plastic pieces that slightly simulate it, but that’s just about the only downside here. So all in all, a nicely done jet mode.

Remarks: Truth to tell I originally planned to skip this version of Starscream. I had the First Edition version, which I was totally happy with, and didn’t see why I should get another one who was merely a bit taller and had a truly crappy weapon. Then he was on clearance, though, and... well, despite being merely a bit taller and having a truly crappy weapon, I kind of like him. Not sure whether I’ll keep him or the First Edition version, I’m still in discussion with myself here. But the bottom line is: Prime RID Starscream is a pretty good version of the Prime Starscream we see on TV. You certainly don’t need both him and the First Edition version, but if you’re looking to complete your TV cast, either version will do.

Rating: B
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