Series: Transformers One
Allegiance: Autobot
Categories: Power Changer
Year: 2024
Prelude: There will soon be a new animated Transformers movie in the cinemas, maybe you’ve heard about that. And the first toys for this movie are already out now, including a new class of figures called Prime Changers (I guess the Warrior Class is over then). Among them is Sentinel Prime, presumably leader of the Autobots, whose days are probably numbered so that this guy called Orion Pax can become the new Prime. Just guessing. Anyway, here is Sentinel Prime, my very first figure from Transformers One. Let’s say go!
Robot Mode: Let’s get my one beef with this figure out of the way first. Sentinel Prime is on the small side for a Deluxe / Warrior Class figure. Probably the norm for this new Prime Changer class / gimmick, but I wish he was a little bit taller.
Okay, size issues aside, what we have here is a gorgeous looking robot in blue and beige. Now traditionally those are Dirge’s colors, I know, but I like to consider them a call-back to Animated Sentinel Prime, who wore similar colours. Not as big a chin, of course, but still a very nice head sculpt that looks as if it’s smiling contentedly. Sentinel Prime is a slim robot with chunky boots and lots of nice detail work. The wings on his back are the only clue as to what he transforms into, and you can fold them back so you barely see them from the front. Nicely done.
Now originally I feared - given that this is a figure from a non-collector-focused line - these new figures here would be rather restricted in terms of articulation. Very far from the truth. Sentinel is an amazingly well-articulated figure with (very stiff) ankle tilt, hip swivel, a ball-jointed head, and even the wings on his back are articulated enough to pose them in different ways. The only thing he’s missing are twisting wrists, probably because those hands (which are rather tiny when viewed from the side) become part of the jet’s nose in alternate mode.
In terms of weapons, Sentinel Prime comes loaded for bear (or Quintesson, possibly). He has two big cannons which he can store on his wings or attach to the top of his shoulders. He also carries two smaller (non-firing) missile launchers, which can also go on his wings or serve as hand weapons. Finally, he comes with a combination shield and blade thing (shades of Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime), which clips to his left arm. I assume the pink parts are meant to be pure Energon or something, but it kind of looks a bit like bubble gum.
What else is there? Well, Sentinel Prime has a bit of a hollow leg syndrome when you look at him from the back, but otherwise he is a pretty solid figure. The wings on his back can unfold, too, if you want to give him a winged look. Again, the only thing I would really change here is that I’d upscale him a bit, but otherwise I like this robot mode a lot.
Alternate Mode: Sentinel Prime transforms into a futuristic space jet. The transformation isn’t really that complicated. Sentinel flips his head down into his chest, moves his arms together to form the jet nose, and folds in his legs to form the jet’s rear. The wings unfold and peg down to hold everything together, done. The only thing you really need to watch out for is that the small missile launchers are not interchangeable and need to be in the right places, otherwise the wings won’t fully snap into place.
The resulting jet looks very nice and even more like Dirge. Are we sure he is not Dirge? Well, he could easily be Dirge. Anyway, Sentinel “not Dirge” Prime makes for a pretty cool jet. No landing gear, but that seems to be the norm these days, sadly. Also, the black pieces that form the nose don’t quite peg together property, there is always a small gap. Not sure if that’s just my version or a general problem. Apart from that, though: a great jet. The guns are now on the sides, the arm shield is on the back, and the jet looks fabulous. So bottom line: a very cool jet mode. No complaints.
Remarks: In most G1-based continuities (and some others, too) Sentinel Prime is the direct predecessor of Optimus Prime as leader of the Autobots. Except for Transformers Animated, where he is simply a jerk. Not that the other Sentinel Prime versions weren’t jerks themselves. As a matter of fact pretty much every Sentinel Prime has been a jerk, except possibly those we never saw because they died before the story even began. Since the Transformers One movie isn’t out yet as I write this, I can only speculate what kind of character Sentinel Prime will be in this brand-new continuity, but I have two strong guesses. One, he will be a jerk. And two, he will die at some point so Orion Pax can receive the Matrix and become Optimus Prime. Hot takes, I know.
As for the figure itself, I like it a lot. I wasn’t sure I would, honestly, but my wife saw him at our local ROFU Kinderland store, so I decided to give it a try. I am glad I did, because Sentinel Prime is a very good Transformers mainline figure and well worth the admission price. Again, he could be a bit taller, but that is really his only problem. Now my enjoyment of this figure might or might not be soured once I see the movie, we’ll see, but until then: a great figure that I fully recommend to all Transformers fans.
Rating: A-
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