Prelude: Merry Christmas everyone and remember what Christmas is all about: buying Transformers stuff! And possibly some nice chocolate-based goodies, too. Like M&Ms, for example. And now let us take you back to the distant past of 2009 when Revenge of the Fallen had just come out and the live-action merchandise blitz was in full swing. Let’s say Ho-Ho-Ho!
Ornaments: First thing first: these ornaments here are NOT TOYS! You hear me? They are NOT TOYS! Don’t believe me? It actually says so on the back of all four of them. NOT A TOY! So don’t you dare think you can play with them! They are NOT TOYS! Got it? Good, moving on!
The Revenge of the Fallen 5-piece Christmas ornament set consist of, you guessed it, five pieces. One of them, however, is merely a red M&M on a string. The other four, however, are a bit more than that. You have four of the M&M characters dressing up as Transformers from Revenge of the Fallen. Red is Optimus Prime, Yellow is Bumblebee, Blue is Megatron, and Orange is Skids (including the golden tooth). They are really rocking the live-action Transformers robot look, looking like they took whatever pieces of scrap they found and built a costume out of it. Though I have to say Blue looks a bit like he is the new wielder of the Witchblade (obscure comic book reference).
And that’s pretty much it. All four figures come with a string so you can put them on your Christmas tree or whatever other seasonal Saturnalia you wish to use during the Winter season.
Remarks: Ah, the year 2009. The year of Revenge of the Fallen. The year we all thought that, maybe, possibly, it was merely the writers’ strike that was to blame for this mad assortment of incoherency that was technically a movie. It was also the year of a pretty great toy line, the year of the first C.O.N.S. convention, and the year my beloved wife got me these Christmas ornaments for, you guessed it, Christmas.
We still take them out occasionally and put them on our tree. And since Revenge of the Fallen turned 15 this year, I thought it was time to finally give them a review here on my site. They are fun and I like both Transformers and M&Ms, so I’m good with them. And seeing as there are not that many Christmas-themed Transformers, they fit into the season. Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!
Rating: B
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