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Series: Beast Wars
Allegiance: Predacon
Categories: Basic
Year: 1996

Striking from the sky like a demonic dragon, this organically-enhanced robot warrior is seldom seen... until it's too late. Megatron personally supervised his genetically engineered creation, ensuring his devastating aerial combat efficiencey. Truly a terror, he is known to ingest entire flocks of birds by flying open-mouthed through their flight pattern.

Robot Mode: Like most basic Beast Wars figures from that time Terrorsaur is very posable and the detailling, while not magnificent, is pretty nice. Sadly he is lacking some of the features from the TV show model, namely the shoulder and arm cannons. Instead he has a hand gun (on loan from Lazorbeak, since I don't own Terrorsaur's). Still, Terrorsaur makes the most of his small size and comes out a pretty decent robot.

Beast Mode: Terrorsaur transforms into a pterodactyl. Like many of his classmates from this year he is bascially a one-step Transformer, meaning he changes back to robot mode more or less automatically once you release the trigger, in this case the head. The flying dinobird looks pretty good, but doesn't offer much in the way of posability. The feet can move a little and the jaw opens up, that's it. Still, the detailling is good for a toy this small, so no complaints here. A decent beast mode.

Remarks: Terrorsaur was one of the mainstays of Season 1, even going so far as to take over command of the Predacons on two different occassions (though Megatron regained the throne both times) before he was killed in the Season 2 premier. Bottom line, Terrorsaur is a rather typical Basic-class figure for the time and the only real complaint I have is that he is too small when compared to the on-screen character. So all in all, a very decent Beast Wars figure, but nothing too special.

Rating: C+
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