As some of you may have noticed the Transformers brand is 30 years old this year. For 30 years we have seen the transforming robots from space on the toy shelves, the TV screen, the movie theaters, and the comic pages. And seeing how we have a truly epic amount of Transformers toys by now (at least 5,000 plus according to the TFU database, still growing), it is a good time to figure out which are the most popular toys of the last 30 years.
The Rules:
- Every participant may send in a list of his or her 30 favorite Transformers toys, numbered 1 (best) through 30. If you don´t want to fill up all 30 positions, no problem. Every sheet containing at least 1 figure will be counted.
- Please vote only for toys that have actually been released under the "Transformers" brand by Hasbro, Kenner, or Takara(-Tomy). Votes for third party figures will not be counted.
- You can (if you want) add a comment to every figure in your list, explaining why this particular figure has your favor. Please keep it relatively short, though. No novels.
- We are talking about the toys. Of course it will be impossible in certain cases to cleanly separate the fascination of the character from the play value of the toy, but please try and focus mainly on the toy and not how much you like (or dislike) the character it portrays.
- Please be specific which toy you are talking about. Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime, for example, isn´t enough. ROTF Leader-class Optimus Prime (2009), on the other hand, is.
- ReIssues do not count as separate figures. G1 Optimus Prime (1984) equals Encore Convoy (2007), for example. Repaints on the other hand, count separately.
- Deadline for sending in votes is April 30, 2014, 11:59 pm (Middle European Time). We will count the votes and publish the results in the first two weeks of May.
- Please keep it to one list of 30 votes per participant. Obviously we will not be able to verify whether different emails might be from the same person in all cases, so we are counting on you to keep it honest.
The results will be tallied and weighted, meaning the final placement will depend on number of votes received (regardless of where you ranked them) and the average rank.
If you have any questions or anything needs clarification, please post in the comments below.
UPDATE 2014-04-14:
Come May we will publish the results of the vote as follows:
May 3: places 30 to 26
May 4: places 25 to 21
May 5: places 20 to 16
May 6: places 15 to 11
May 9 to May 18: places 10 to 1, one per day
UPDATE 2014-05-01:
Voting is now closed!