Sure, it's all social media these days, but there are still a number of classic websites left, both on the topic of the Transformers themselves, as well as related topics. And seeing as I am a fan of old school websites, I have decided to list my favorite sites here for you. The order is not meant as a ranking and we are foregoing sites that are shops only.
Honorable Mention: =>
My own website is out of the running here, of course, as I can hardly be expected to be objective about it, being the owner. But the site means a lot to me and it's fun, and that's the only important thing. And of the sites listed, it's the only one in English AND German language.
Probably the single most comprehensive site about the Transformers, period. Every character, concept, place, or event that was glimpsed or even just mentioned at some point in some Transformers media has its own page here. And the most fun thing are the captions underneath the pictures. Definitely worth many visits and if you want to actively participate, just create an account and get to it!
The number one Transformers site in terms of news is TFW2005. Apart from the large news archive, TFW is also one of the few remaining old school discussion forums on the net (Transformers-related ones, at least). But be careful, discussions can get heated quite quickly there!
The personal website of Benson Yee, a true institution in the Transformers Fandom. Apart from many reviews and news his site also features many articles and interviews, including stuff about Ben's work on Beast Wars. Sadly the site was crashed a few times, but Ben has built it back up every single time.
A true old school website (still looks like hand-coded HTML) with tons of picture galleries, reviews, event reports, and toy news. Definitely worth a visit for the retro charm alone.
The only real competitor of TFW2005 in terms of news and also a forum site. Possibly a few less news than TFW, but far more content, especially picture galleries and general infos.
While this site is also an online shop, it's also an information site regarding Transformers and many, many other toylines (i.e. StarCOM, MASK, Sky Commander, GoBots, He-Man, and many others). ID-Guides and prices guides for everything.
A true fan site with many listings for toys, series, comics, and everything else from the world of the Transformers. Includes reviews, picture galleries, and a discussion forum, too. Originally the site of Brendan Reilly, who is no longer active himself. The site itself used to be far more active, too, but it still exists and at least the forum still sees regular updates.
Sites that still exist, but haven't been updated in quite some time:
The personal website of Transformers reviewer Dirge with lots of reviews, though most of them only featuring stock images of the figures in question. Still, a very comprehensive site, but it hasn't been updated since 2020.
For the longest time was THE Transformers info site on the net. Practically every single Transformers toy was listed with pictures, accessories, techspecs, profile texts, and more. Sadly the site hasn't been updated since 2022. Apparently the owner is solely active on Youtube these days.
A fan website created by a Dutch toy collector, the site largely focuses on the Milton Bradley Transformers that were released in Europe, but also includes blog articles on many other 80s properties such as M.A.S.K., Wheeled Warriors, and others. Well worth a read. Last updated in 2022.
Sites that are no longer online, but can still be checked out via the Way Back Machine.
Formerly the biggest German Transformers news and forum site and home of the C.O.N.S. convention. Sadly the site was discontinued in 2023. One of the main reasons being that online forums are pretty much dead, at least here in Germany.
=> aka Remy’s Transformers
Remy was one of the pioneers of toy photography and his picture galleries of hundreds of Transformers figures were top notch. Sadly Remy stopped publishing at some point and these days the domain name simply leads to
=> aka Transformers One
Long before the movie of the same name, the fan site Transformers One existed. It still does, technically, though the main menu is flash-based and most browsers no longer support that (but the Way Back Machine does). Still, the articles can still be accessed directly, including a very good one about the Milton Bradley Transformer of the mid-80s.