English German Emirate XaaronSeries: Generations Comic Edition Year: 2024 Allegiance: AutobotClass: Deluxe Emirate Xaaron leads the Autobot underground resistance movement. He is an inspiration for the Autobot cause, and many would lay their sparks on the line for him.
English German
Emirate Xaaron leads the Autobot underground resistance movement. He is an inspiration for the Autobot cause, and many would lay their sparks on the line for him.
Accessories: Still to come
Team / Set:Part of the set Emirate Xaaron & Autobot Flame, together with: Flame
Other Versions of the Mold: Scrapface (2020) Refraktor (2019) Spectro (2019) Spyglass (2019) Viewfinder (2019)