
Series: Energon
Year: 2004
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Basic Terrorcon 
Wave: Basic Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Animal: Reptile/Dinosaur 

Released by Hasbro

By the time you see me, it will be too late.
Cruellock is the most powerful and cunning of the Terrorcons, combining incredible strength with lightning speed. He is a great tactician whose hunting skills are unmatched. In raptor mode, he can jump to great heights and attack his enemies with powerful energon claws and teeth. In robot mode, his energon-cutting blade can slice through anything, or anybody that stands in his way. It has been said by many that Cruellock's gaze is as deadly as his bite. Beware!


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Energon Star (278)
Energon Star
Energon Saber (279)
Energon Saber

Other Versions of the Mold:
Energon  Doom-Lock (2004)
Doom-Lock (2004)
Superlink  Dinobot (2004)
Dinobot (2004)
Superlink  Dinobot Magma Type (2004)
Dinobot Magma Type (2004)


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Last updated: 12/24/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &