
Series: Beast Wars
Year: 1998
Allegiance: Predacon
Class: Basic Fuzor 
Wave: Basic Fuzors Wave 2

Alternate Mode: Animal: Reptile/Dinosaur 

Released by Hasbro

Most Transformers find that smelly, mucky environments clog up their circuitry. Not the half-croc, half-turtle Terragator. He prefers it. Terragator is most at home in the swamp lands and sewers. Part of the Predacon elite amphibious warriors, his specialty is land/water assault. In robot mode, he wields an impenetrable shield, and his hand reveals an awesome weapon.


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Tail Gun (2194)
Tail Gun
Turtle Shell (2195)
Turtle Shell

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Last updated: 12/27/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. & Transformers-Universe.com