
Series: Generation 1
Year: 1985
Allegiance: Decepticon
Class: Triple Changer 
Function: Military Transport

Alternate Mode: Airplane/Spacecraft  - Train 

Released by Hasbro

In confusion there is opportunity.
Creating confusion is his specialty. As a Triple Changer, can switch from space shuttle to train to robot mode almost instantaneously. Thrives on foes' panic and fear. As shuttle, travels at 20,000 mph in orbit, up to 50,000 mph out of orbit. Can launch weapons and satellites. Carries cargo. As a train, top speed is 400 mph, range 1700 miles. As robot has great strength, carries powerful ionic displacer rifle.


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Ionic Displacer Rifle (302)
Ionic Displacer Rifle
Sword (2496)

Other Versions of the Mold:
G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Astrotrain (1985)
Astrotrain (1985)
G1 Reissues  Astrotrain (2019)
Astrotrain (2019)
G1 Reissues  Astrotrain Proto Color Version (2004)
Astrotrain Proto Color Version (2004)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Astrotrain (2006)
Astrotrain (2006)
G1 Reissues Commemorative Series Astrotrain (2012)
Astrotrain (2012)
G1 Reissues Transformers Collection Astrotrain (2004)
Astrotrain (2004)
Generation 1 Classic Astrotrain (1991)
Astrotrain (1991)
Platinum Edition  Astrotrain (2015)
Astrotrain (2015)


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Last updated: 12/05/2023
Picture Copyright: Philip S. &